

  • お問い合わせ




☆Baby☆ English


Hello everyone!

Let's see what the Baby class has been up to.

We had fun crawling back and forth through the yellow curtains Kimiko-sensei made!

Here come Mio and Sara!

Sara made it through first! She's small, but she's fast. 1, 2, 1, 2, let's go!

Next comes Mio. She says, "Peek-a-boo! I see you, Sara!"

Sitting and playing is fun, but it's important to get our babies moving for some exercise. Before we know it, they'll be walking!

We get to hear and use English words when having free time in the morning and afternoon.

"Hello!" "Please!" "Thank you!" "See you!" These are all important phrases children start to learn. They'll be pros by the time they get to the Nursery class next year.

See you next time!
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