

  • お問い合わせ




⭐︎Nursery⭐︎ English Class


Hello from the Nursery Class ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ

We have been clapping and stomping around the classroom ~ so much f✷u✷n.

Clap (≧▽≦ノノ゙☆

Clap (≧▽≦ノノ゙☆

Clap (≧▽≦ノノ゙☆

o|∵o| We are getting ready for the School Festival too. |o∵|o

With the song we're going to perform, we like to practice counting. We start with one little finger and count all the way to ten. Sometime we count down from ten to one as well.

We also practiced pointing to the different parts of our body according to the words in the song: our head, our nose, our chin, our arm, our leg, and our foot.

~ Whew! ~

What a busy week! Let's all take a nap... (-ω-) zzZ

We're always good at pretending to be sleepy.

We have just one more day to practice for the School Festival. We're all going to do our best!
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