

  • お問い合わせ






Today, the nursery kids started off with a little warm-up. They practiced walking, jumping, and running.

Not forgetting to ‘stop’.

After they had settled, we practiced name recognition. They had to raise their hand and try to say ‘here’ whey they heard their name. They then got their name card.

Fine efforts by all, though a little help was needed by some.

We sang the ‘Hello song’ and then handed back the cards trying to say “Here you are.”

Next came finger dexterity and counting. We sang ‘10 little fingers’ while counting on our hands. Again, great attempts and fun had by all.

After sitting, time to move with some ‘Feelings’. Happy jumping, angry stamping of feet, sad rubbing of eyes…

… and of course, lying down when sleepy. They were very good at this.


Finally, a little story time at the zoo, looking for items. Both practice of the alphabet and item names.

With a wave goodbye and a big “See you,” it was back to playing. Good job everyone.
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