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The Pre-Kinder kids were quite excitable today, so a little movement to start the day was eagerly attempted.

After a small warm up we sang the feelings song. First, a little demonstration,

then it was their turn. They attempted the singing well, and performed the actions with equal enthusiasm.

Next they took a shaker.

They then moved to the music, and when it stopped, they stopped and had to touch a body part.

Finally, we looked at the alphabet. After a play of the ‘ABC song’,

for which their singing is great, they opened their coloring books and tackled the letters ‘Jj’, ‘Kk’, and ‘Ll’. First was trying to draw a straight line between big and small letters.

Very good efforts all round. This was followed by coloring the letters and pictures.

Green ketchup, delicious. With that, and a big ‘Goodbye, goodbye’, it was time for lunch. Great job, everyone.
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