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Today the nursery kids, along with the babies and pre-kinders, had their first joint practice for Sports Day. All the kinder kids turned up to watch providing an energetic atmosphere.

The nursery kids had a mini obstacle course to traverse. The smaller kids summited the obstacle as you would an intimidating mountain, …

…the larger kids strode over it as if it were a mere bump in the road.

Either way, the excitement was clear to see.
After the obstacle came a choice. How you finished the course depended on what card you picked. Penguin,

penguin walk on the teachers feet across the line. Monkey,

get carried across the line. Finally, Koala,

get a piggyback across the line.


The Koala was, by far, the most popular,

and enjoyed by the kids. The kinder kids had a great time cheering them on.


After the dancing of the morning English lesson, and the Sports Day practice, the nursery kids have earned their nap. Great job.
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