

  • お問い合わせ




⭐︎Kinder 1⭐︎


Today, the Kinder 1s began their English adventure by asking each other “What is your name?”  They had to go around the circle answering the question with their name, then asking the next person, and so on.

If they forgot the question, they could hit the floor to the beat of the question for help.  A big thumbs up was given for a good answer.

After the opening questions, we reminded ourselves of the monthly vocab, places around town, then we went for a walk.
The cards were placed face down around the room.  When the music started the children would walk around, and when the music stopped they would go to the nearest card.

The whole class would ask “Where are you?” and the children would take turns picking up their card and answering “I’m at (the train station).”

They wanted to go to the park, but no one could find it.

Finally, we practiced a little writing.  First the children had to write their names. For some it was okay, while others managed the first couple of letters.  Great effort, now to build up the next letters.

After their name, they had to count the dots from 1 to 12, which they did very well.  Once counted, they had to write the number in the box above.  This was a little tricky.

They knew the rough shape of the numbers, but writing them was odd to them. They gave it a great go and with a bit more practice they’ll find themselves writing numbers with no problems.
Good job everyone.
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