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🦃 Kinder 2|3 🦃


The Kinder 2|3 class is getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving! ✨

On Thanksgiving Day, the classes will gather around a (pretend) Thanksgiving meal. The different classes are each making a traditional dish to bring to the dinner. 🍽

The Kinder 2 Class will bring mashed potatoes and gravy ! 🥔 To make the dish, they started by ripping up strips of newspaper for the papier-mâché.

Then they lined a strainer to make the bowl.

The Kinder 3 Class will bring a turkey! 🍗

Everyone worked together so well. 💪👏

There was a big mess to clean up afterwards so everyone helped clean up too! 👏✨👏

Now the Kinders need to wait for the papier-mâché to dry and then they will paint. 🎨 ⏲🎨
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