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Today, the children of the Pre-kinder class were celebrating Thanksgiving day.  This started off with the making of ‘Thank You’ cards.

First, the children prepared a Handprint Turkey and glued it to a card with a little thank you message.  They then decorated the card as they liked.


After that, they played a turkey ball game.

They had to pick up the balls and feed them to the hungry turkey.  Some went for the throwing method,

whilst others preferred to place the food in.

Either way, the turkey was fed and much fun was had.
Then, it was English time.  They started with some exercise, walking, jumping, hopping, swimming, and sleeping.

After which, they practiced some feelings.  Happy,


angry, and sleepy.  Great gesturing from the children.

This was followed by singing the ABC Song,

and doing some ABC rowing.

They had to say a letter of the alphabet with each row.  They did very well, though they got tired around P.  Rowing is tough work.

Finally, they learned about Thanksgiving. We went outside the class to the decorations and asked questions about what they could see.

Then, they listened to a little presentation and asked questions on that.

They enjoyed it and asked many questions.

Once the lesson was over, it was time for a special Thanksgiving lunch.

The children seemed to enjoy it.


With that, the end of another enjoyable morning came and passed into a fresh afternoon of possibilities.  Great job Pre-Kinder.
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