

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 1☆


Hello today from Kinder 1!

Today is all about the "seasonal division day", or せつぶん! Our students have been hard at work throughout the month of January learning all about what takes place on the day and getting ready in case any devils make an appearance at the school.

They've learned that if they see a devil, they have to throw roasted soybeans out them and shout in a loud voice, "Devils out!"

This week, they worked on making their very own demon masks!

After choosing the colors they liked, the students sat down and decided what their demon mask was going to look like.

Should it have two eyes? Or maybe just one? What about horns?

Hmm. . . Should I make it scary? Or maybe it should have a smile!

Our students are now masters of all kinds of crafts, and can easily share glue and wet towels with their friends.

Everyone is waiting to see whether or not anything will happen on Friday the 3rd of February, but if it does they are ready to throw some beans and shout "Bad luck out, good luck in!" ( ` ω ´ )

Stay tuned!
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