

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 1☆


Today, the Kinder 1 class started with some warm up walking. They really enjoy the actions, jumping, running, and sleeping.

After that we sang the “Hello, hello” song.  Stretching up high and turning around are their favorite actions, and they are singing well.

Next we practiced counting up to 12.  They have a little trouble using their fingers, but are giving it a good go.

We then sang “Five Little Monkeys.”  They can sing well and are very good with Doctor’s line, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”

In preparation for Family Day next month, the children are singing the “Family Finger Song”, and again, their singing is excellent.

They are very good at saying, “here I am, here I am. How do you do?”

The last thing we did was introduce a game they will play next month.  They must pass a ball to their team mates then sit down.  At first we practiced as one group, slowly.

Passing the ball was okay, but sitting down needs a little work.  They want to run and sit by their friends.  They could soon do it without help,

so now it was time to split them into teams.

For a first attempt, it went well.  Once they have learned the game, then we introduce some English.

We practiced 2 rounds of the game, after which the children were getting a bit hot.  It was a warm day.  So, with time at an end, we played the “Goodbye, goodbye” song, said our goodbyes and, with that, the lesson ended.

Great job everyone.
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