

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 1☆


The children of the Kinder 1 class had a pretty relaxed lesson today.  To start, they warmed-up with some “Walking, walking.”  They do so enjoy running,

in fact, one enjoyed pretending to be a dinosaur.

After this, we sang the “Hello” song.

They are very good at performing the actions,

they just need a little confidence when singing.  It’s improving well, though.

The main activity was preparing a gift for their parents for Family Day.  We also used this to practice following instructions.  First instruction, “Sit down at your table, please.”

Very good!

After watching a demonstration of what was being asked, in this case: draw a picture of your family, it was the children’s turn.  Second instruction: “Please draw your family. Don’t just color the paper.”

Some followed the instruction well, whilst others got a little carried away, but salvaged the picture well.  Once the pictures were finished, we identified and wrote down who was “Mum,” “Dad,” “Brother,” or “Sister.”

They then showed off their work.

The children then handed in their pictures to the instructor, pretending to be their Mum, by saying, “Thank you for being (nice/kind/fun).”

When the lesson was finished, they got ready for lunch, and with a big “See you!” they settled down to eat.

Great job, everyone!
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