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☆Kinder 3☆


The Kinder 3 class have their School Festival performance this week.  As a result, they are practicing their songs and play every day.

First, they have to introduce each song of the programme, which they do very well.

Now the song, ‘The Pinocchio’, has been introduced, it’s time to sing and dance.  For this song, they need to remember their left and right, and raise the correct limb.

Top job by all.  Next, the ‘Introductions’ part of the show.

They are gaining in confidence with each practice.  Once they sat down, each child stepped up and introduced themselves. Name, age, then answered questions on their favorite character and drink.

They are all excellent at talking about themselves.  Next, we had 2 songs.  First was ‘Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree’.

Introduced and performed with great energy.  Second was ‘10 in the Bed’.

The children enjoy this song, especially when they pretend to fall out of bed.

With all the songs complete, it was time for the play.  They have focused hard on remembering the English here, and it really shows.

First, the ‘little pigs’ enter.  They said what their houses will be made of, then pretended to build them.

Enter the big bad wolf.

After huffing and puffing the houses of straw and sticks down, the wolf met its match with the house of bricks.

The wolf spotted the chimney and decided to go down there. However, the pigs were way ahead of the wolf and had started a fire.

With a big ‘ouch’, the wolf ran away and the pigs lived happily ever after.

An excellent performance all round.  The Kinder 3 class has done really well this year and are looking forward to performing for their parents.  I’m sure everyone will have a great time.

Great work, everyone.
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