

  • お問い合わせ




🍰Kinder 1🍰


The Kinder 1 Class is getting ready for Christmas. 🎄

They made some yummy Christmas cakes that are full of color and cute little treats! 😋

They started off with some white clay and kneaded it until it was warm enough to work with. Then came the fun part: the colors! They added some paint and dyed the clay lots of different colors. 😆

They then put their clay into containers so it keeps it shape. It was easy work for their little hands. 😊👏

Next, they started to add in the decorations. 👏✨👏✨ The each got some acorns and placed them on the cakes! 🤩

Then, they got their paint brushes out! 🎨🖌 They painted the Christmas tree acorns with some more colors. ✨😆 They also got to add in some of their own special decoration to make their cakes even better. ✨🤩✨

And then, they were all done and ready to show of all their hard work! ✨👏✨👏✨

What fun! 🤩

See you again, next time!
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