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The Nursery Class have had an incredible year and they have progressed so much! 👏 Let’s take a short trip down memory lane to see their year.

This year was a blast and the class had tons of fun outdoors - from sunny strolls to running around the playground! 😎

They also had fun inside. The classroom was stocked with so many different toys and they all learned to play together so well. 🤩

They had a lot of fun crafts and games.


Sports Day had all the students participating like champs with their families by their side. 🏆

Halloween was so much fun too! 🎃

The whole class worked so hard to get ready for the School Festival and they smashed it. 🤩👏👏

The class shared thanks with the PK Class and the food was yummy! 🍴

Entrepreneurs Day was so interesting and the class picked up some lovely souvenirs. 🛍️

For Christmas, the class helped decorate the tree… Then they got to share their presents with the class. 💝

When Setsubun came around, the class was ready with their bright hats. 👹


Then, for Hinamatsuri, the class showed their craft to the whole school. 👏😆✨

It has been a great year and we can’t wait to start the next one. See you again soon. 👏✨😊

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