

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 1☆


The Kinder 1 class started their first week in Kinder 1 English by saying their name. The teacher started by asking, “What’s your name?”, and the children answered with, “I’m…".

Everyone did a great job answering! Some were a little shy but a high touch helped!

Next, the children did their Hello Song!

They reached high in the sky, and touched their toes! Afterwards, we sung Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.

The children practiced touching their heads, shoulders, knees, toes and even their mouths and noses!

For the next activity, the children started looking for colors!

The children found yellow,


blue and many more!

Next, the children started practicing how to correctly hold a pencil.

The children are used to holding crayons with their whole hand. The teachers demonstrated the correct grip and let them draw!

They focused hard on their grip! And let their imagination flow!

Some chose their favorite colors!

And together, everyone made beautiful pictures!

Once we had practiced that, the end of the lesson had arrived! Everyone did a great job today and had great fun together!

Thank you everyone, we’ll see you next time!

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