

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 2☆


Today, the Kinder 2 class started their English lesson by saying hello.

Some excellent big waves and loud singing.

The Kinder 2’s were feeling active today, so we played a group movement game.  The children stood in a circle while holding hands. When the music played, they had to move together in the circle.

When the teacher said “Change,” they had to change direction.

When the music stopped, they would be given a card and had to say what it was.

Finally, for some extra fun, if the instructor said “Legs,” the children would kick their legs in the air.

This was a very active activity and the children were a bit tired. So, for the language game, we split the children into 2 groups and played musical chairs. The children enjoy cheering on the other children.

For this game the child who was out had to say the color of the item on the card.

If two children contested a seat, they would play “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” for it.

Scissors cuts paper.

As a bonus for the exiting child, they got to choose when the next round’s music started and stopped.

Once the first group had finished, it was time for the second.

They all did very well, and had a lot of fun cheering each other on.

The last thing the children did was practice writing their names. They are getting used to holding pencils, and are getting English stroke order better.

They were very focused. Great work.

The Kinder 2 class love an active lesson, and today was no different.
Great job, everyone.
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