

  • お問い合わせ




🌳📗🐸Kinder 1🐸📗🌳


Good afternoon everybody.

Today was a special day with our kinder 1 class. In the morning we went to the park together! We had a lot of fun practicing our colors by looking at the different flowers. We also practiced answer the “what’s you favorite animal” question and I would draw their answer in the sand. It was a lot of fun 🤩

Then we went back to the class room together. Great job looking left and right before you cross the street. In the class today we started with our walking in the jungle song, it was a lot of fun. They could remember the animals just by hear the sounds they make. The tiger is still a bit scary for the kinder 1 kids, but they are getting braver.

Next on our to do list was our our workbooks. Today the letter was A. They did really great at holding their pencil correctly and coloring the page, but they am even better job at using a nice loud voice to sing their ABC song today.

To finish our busy day we did a new open shut them song and a fun goodbye song. Today they all did so well and focused a lot during the lesson.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend everybody!


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