

  • お問い合わせ






Hello today from our Kinder 2 classroom!

What kind of adventure did we have today? Hmmm, something to do with paper... I see red, pink and purple!

Our students first had to choose their own color paper. By Kinder 2, the students are pros with their colors as well as the words "please" and "thank you" so we had them line up and get their paper quickly so we could move on to the fun stuff!

"I wonder what we will do next..."

Today we made "cootie catchers", which are a popular origami type craft in the United States that children can make very easily.

"Did I do it right?" "Let me see yours!"

Look at all of our beautiful "cootie catchers"! In order to play this game we ask our partner "Which one?" and they have to tell us a number from 1-8. Then you open and close your "cootie catcher" until you open and can see the shapes on the inner flaps. Then we ask our partner again and they say "triangle please!"

When we open them, there's a hidden picture on the inside that we carefully drew with our colored pencils.

Thankfully, our students loved asking each other over and over again until they could see everyone's hidden pictures!

These are very easy to make at home with regular origami paper, so give it a try!

How to Make a Cootie Catcher

See you next time~!
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