

  • お問い合わせ




☆Pre Kinder☆


Hello today from the Pre-Kinder classroom!

Everyone at the school has been getting ready for Setsubun, and that means making demon masks!

The Pre-Kinder class got to put a lot of different skills to work with this craft - and they got to practice their colors too! (≧▽≦)

The demon masks they made had red or blue faces, and a lot of different colorful swirls where their hair goes!

Green, blue, orange, red. . . Oh my! The swirls made for a very interesting patterns, and our students loved stamping their demon masks over and over again!

Then our students got to practice using scissors! They have been working on holding on to them properly and cutting very slowly, remembering to keep their fingers away from the edge!

A lot of our students are still getting comfortable, but this was great practice for them!

It's amazing how much our students have grown from April of last year!

I can't wait to see how much more they grow in their last few months before beginning Kinder 1! ꉂ(σ▰˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ✧

See you next time~!
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