

  • お問い合わせ






Hello today from the Pre-Kinder classroom~~!

Today we made some beautiful decorations for the upcoming Doll's Day Celebration (ひなまつり)! 🎎✨

Some of our students even knew what the holiday was called 👀

First up, we had to choose the clothes for the lord (お内裏様) and the princess (お雛様) 👘

Pink was a popular choice this time around! (*^^*)🌸

With the help of the teachers, the students were able to fold up their own paper into the proper shapes.✨

Although it was a bit of a challenge, the students were able to fold up the paper and press down using their fingertips!

Using glue, the students were able to add a lot of different, traditional accessories to their doll shapes.😊

All done! Beautiful work!

When the glue dries, the students will draw on the faces for their dolls! 🌈

Once everyone is finished, they will be put up in the room as decoration, so please come and take a look!✨✨

See you next time~!
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