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Hello everyone!

Today it's Kinder 3's favorite day - swimming!

Although the first time our students got in the water they were afraid and started to cry, now they can confidently put their whole faces in the water!

They can even do something amazing. . . Jumping into the pool on their own!!

Now that our students are older they can even do more complicated strokes, and practice without floaties on!! (*゚▽゚)ノ

Flutter kicking can be a difficult exercise, and a little scary since it can put water on their faces, but our Kinder 3 students do their very best!

The last exercise for swimming practice is to hold on to the boogie boars and go around and around in a big circle.

When you float, it's important to kick your legs in order to continue moving forward! 💨

Every week our students have one day of swimming practice, and every time they look forward it!

The things that they can do are steadily increasing, and they have so much fun learning new things.

Stay tuned to see what else our Kinder 3 students can do!

See you next time~!
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