

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 1☆


Hello today from our Kinder 1 class!

This month is all about Christmas, so it's up to our students to decorate our school!

First, we start with some bright red paint!

Using some small, white sponges our students gently dabbed their Christmas ornaments with all red paint on one side to make them nice and vibrant!

"Look, look! My fingers are red!" ( : ౦ ‸ ౦ : )

The decorating process doesn't end there though! Next we need some green yarn. . . Hmmm. What for?

Oh! Look at that! Our Kinder 1 students are putting their fine motor skills to the test by threading their long green yarn through the holes on their ornament!

This was a great challenge for them, because they had to pull the long string all the way through before carefully threading it back in. Great job!

To top it all off, their tree got a lovely star on the top!

Make sure to take a look next time you're at the school.

See you! (^_-)≡☆
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