

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 3☆


Hello today from Kinder 3!

Today we put on our thinking hats and broke out our handy-dandy rulers! At our school we are lucky to have rulers in a bunch of different sizes, so we got to thinking. . .

What kinds of things can we measure and how big are they?

First we started by checking to see how big our different rulers were.

The big ruler measured all the way up to 50 cm, while the medium ruler only measured up to 30 cm. The small rulers only had between 15-20cm written on them!

Next, it's time to measure!

"Hmmm. . . How big do you think this is?" ヽ(°〇°)ノ

"How many can we fit on here?"

"Look! It's a perfect fit!" 〜(★ω★)/

Last, we decided to document all the things that we found in the three different categories.

Everyone did their best to draw out the objects they found in as much detail as they could!

Great work Kinder 3!

See you next time〜 \(⌒▽⌒)
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