

  • お問い合わせ




☆Kinder 2☆


The trip to the park was very exciting. The kids were so excited singing on the bus and talking about their lunchboxes.



As we arrived, the student can't hide their eagerness to play with the slides.

Nothing was difficult for these students. Although some of them got scared, most were ready to climb.

There were no boring area for them to play.

Each of them patiently waited for their turns to go on slides and that made everyone happy. Being able to share the same excitement made them bond better.

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The enthusiastic faces of children made the teachers excited as well.

After all the energy consuming activity, everyone was happy to see their adorable lunch prepared with love. As students were all equally hungry they still manage to let their friends see how cute their lunch were.

Exciting as it was, every journey has and end. Everyone was tired after playing at a new place. Some of the kids even fell asleep on the ride back to school.

See you next time!
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