

  • お問い合わせ






Today was the first day of July and the children of Kinder 1 were looking forward to the start of the pool play season.  As a result they had a slightly shorter English lesson, so to start, we went “Walking, walking.”

Warmed up, the children sang “Hello, hello.”  They are great at doing the movements, clapping, stomping, stretching high, and turning around.  They are also giving the singing a good attempt.

The one thing the children love to do is yell “hello”, and with a great wave to go with it.

Once the singing was done, the children were asked how they were feeling. This generated lots of “sleepy,” “hungry,” and “happy” responses.

With that finished, we turned to the new monthly phrase.  This month it is, “Yummy!”  For this, the children were shown 3 food items. A cream bun, a chocolate donut, and a chunk of carrot.

With a quick demonstration of enjoying a piece of donut, the instructor would go “yummy”, rubbing his tummy, and ask if the children though donuts were yummy.

If yes, they would be encouraged to say “yummy.”  If not, they’d be encouraged to say “yucky.”  After doing the same for the cream bun and the carrot, the children discussed what other foods they found either “yummy” or “yucky.”

Afterward, we looked at the date.  First, going through the days of the week and months, then singing the appropriate song for each.

They were then asked what day and month it was. When one person got the answer, the rest repeated and that person got to put up the card.

For the day, the children can read numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. well, but struggle with first, second, third, and so on. So here, we focused on first, second, and, specifically, third.

With the last card in place, everyone practiced saying the full date,

With that complete, it was time to say goodbye. Again, the children’s singing is coming on nicely. With a goodbye fist bump, the children prepared for their next activity.  Great job, everyone.
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