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☆Kinder 1☆


Today, the Kinder 1 class started their English with their favorite warm-up song, “Walking, walking.”

Walking is fun, but they really enjoy jumping and running.

Once they had finished running, they sang “Hello.”

Some very loud singing, nice work.  Next, we briefly practiced saying “ouch” when you have bumped your head, or grazed a knee or elbow.  Then we asked them their names and ages.

It has been a while since they had practiced this, however the practice for November’s School Festival really worked as they answered quickly, and correctly.

Then came numbers. First, we counted up to 20 then played a game where you had to stand up, say a number, them the next person stood up and said the next number, and so on.

This was to practice not only numbers, but also to focus on what others were saying when they were not talking.

Finally, we sang a few Christmas songs. First was “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” with actions like clapping, jumping, stomping, whispering, and shouting (loud voices.)

The last song was for the Christmas Party, “Silly Santa Claus.”  They are very good with word like “ring,” “bump,” “bang,” and “shake.” However, they are making good progress on singing the verses as well.

Keep up the good work. Great job, everyone.
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