

  • お問い合わせ






Hello, everyone! This is Kinder 3.

Today, we're going to tell you about our creative activity. 🤩

We did some preparation for our Bean-throwing ceremony. This is very important tradition for us to drive out evil spirits. 👹

We made our own demon masks. They turned out very cool. First, we used some newspapers and construction papers for the base of the mask and attached them to a balloon to perfect an oval shape. 👹😎

Then, we ripped some art papers into small pieces and glued them to the masks. 👏

We also made some cups to put our beans into which we will then throw to the demon. 👹

We cut and decorated them with joy. 😁

With this we hope that happiness and positivity comes to all of us this year. That's all for today. 😺😸

See you next time!🤗
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