

  • お問い合わせ




☆彡Star Festival Open Day: Kinder☆彡


Today it was the Kinder students’ turn to celebrate the Star Festival with their parents and teachers.
Tanabata - the Star Festival - is a Japanese festival connected to the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi. Orihime and Hikoboshi are lovers separated by a river (the Milky Way). According to the story they can only meet once a year, and only if the sky is clear. It is said that if it rains the river level rises, and stops the two lovers from meeting.
Today was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for celebrating the Star Festival.
Students from both Kinder classes excitedly welcomed their parents to join them for lunch.


After this, we wrote our Star Festival wishes on decorated stars and cut out the stars to hang on our Star Festival display.

園の様子 園の様子


Although this is a piece of Japanese culture, it was also a good opportunity to learn English. The K2 students practiced with the phrase “I want..” We hope everybody’s wishes come true!

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