■New Species of Hedgehog Found in China
Until November, scientists thought there were seventeen species of hedgehogs. They then discovered a new one in China, bringing the total to eighteen.
Kai He and his team at Guangzhou University found this. In 2018, he saw a small hedgehog in eastern China. Dr. He and his team thought it looked like a Hugh’s hedgehog but Hugh’s hedgehogs have small ears and long spikes.
Dr. He named them Mesechinus Orientalis after confirming their distinct species through DNA analysis. These hedgehogs, the world’s smallest, measure as long as a pen and are the approximate width of a cola can. Dr. He expressed surprise and joy at this discovery, emphasizing the insufficient study of small animals in China, while other experts noted a recent rise in recognizing new species in the region.
ホー博士は、DNA分析を通じてこのハリネズミが異なる種であることを確認し、「Mesechinus orientalis(メセキナス・オリエンタリス)」と名付けました。これらのハリネズミは世界で最も小さく、ペンの長さほどで、コーラ缶の大きさに似ています。ホー博士はこの発見に驚きと喜びを表し、中国では小型の動物の研究が不足していることを強調しました。一方で、他の専門家たちは、最近になってこの地域で新種が認識されることが増えていると指摘しています。